All past and present Infection players know of the map Jungle. They all know the popular glitch on that map to make it easy to win. That's right, the air strike vine glitch. You place an air strike on a vine to remove it for a certain amount of time, usually the rest of the round and a few more rounds even after the full rotation. Which causes many places to be inaccessible. Sure it may be fun to place a torch down and become untouchable, but it just ruins the game. As soon as a human blocks the path to himself/herself and others, the game it pretty much over. Zombies have no point to even try anymore. Now that I have stated the problem, time to talk about the solution. I know editing the plugin is not a possibility, and I doubt there is a way for the vines to regrow. So instead of fixing the problem, why not remove the problem. Just remove the map Jungle entirely. Opinions and suggestions are welcomed.
Support. Jungle has been a horrible map far too long with it's vines and it's about time it gets removed.