Elite --> Supreme Kitpvp - 467.50, OpPvp - 793, blaze rod with fire aspect 15 Prison - 114000, 15 vote crate keys OpPrison - 114billion, Faction - 22000, OpFaction - 1223800, ArcherPvp - 270, Skywars - 1077 Skyblock - 2010, GTA - 1000 Survival - 17000, Sky grid - 15 emerald Hellblock - 3700 Thanks @Scorvix for helping make sure this deal was a good deal. The upgrade is 30USD
I like it. I'll talk to my mom about letting me get you this upgrade. Cross your fingers, she's a tough one.
Just saying, this wouldn't be worth $30. I could get all of this within 2 hours of voting on alts and changing the ip, all of its probably from voting.
really? :eek: That would be much appreciated. I will log on to OpPrison in about 20 minutes if you want?
Buy an alt generator with $2 for a week, not hard. If you really needed alts you could do what I do, scam 9 year olds for their accounts.