It was three or more dislikes in under an hour. That's what I used to use for rate abuse and it always counted
This is incorrect and here is why: @Ringo: The times were cut off and you can not see if they are in the same hour. @Herf: These are 2 different screenshots so they were not at the same time or else why would they be set like that. Stop trying to set these guys up! You should be banned for making a false report and tampering with evidence even though it is not even valid evidence.
I am not causing trouble I am pointing out that you are being dishonest. The way you replied to my comment just shows you are not as good at lying as you thought. This report is completely fabricated and you know it. I will be reporting you in the near future anyways so I don't care if you take it down because I already got the screenshots (real ones not fake edited ones like your own)