Introduction Hi, I am RealityyOG and this is my Mod app i have made 2 other mod apps and they all said "more info" "you have to at least get avtive member on the forums" i am trying to get active member on the forums and other wise bye enjoy my mod app. How old are you? Im am 12 Your in-game name: RealityyOG What timezone are you in? Australian Eastern Standed Time What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a mod? I think i should become a mod on mineverse because im honnest and i record a ton of hackers. I lie somtimes i can get mean,angry ect i am a little bit mature but not that much but i can also be nice,helpful ect like if someone asks me to tell them how to get to spawn i tell them how to get to spawn and many different things. How long can you be active on the server everyday? depends what day it is on weekdays about 2-3 hours a day on weekends about 4-6 hours a day How long have you been playing Mineverse? about 1 year and a half Have you ever been banned in the past? yes 2 times both for hacking Do you have any past experience as a moderator? no not really the only time is on my friends server that had like no people Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most) OPFactions, OPPvP
No support. Reasons: Lack of information given. Add more info why you should be a moderator. I expect you to explain why you were banned. Fix your grammar mistakes. You joined last year, by now I would've seen you as an active member that shows how you are not active enough on the forums. I think you're not ready for this position. Good luck!
No support.Add more info,color,bold etc. Make your application look more better and i will support ;)
thanks i started playing last year i did have a account but that was just for upgrading i never went on forums befor thats why im not a active member
Diamonds your never on and I'm on a lot for a guy who says he isn't on your never on so stop putting negative comments.
I'm putting my opinion down. I'm allowed to give negative and positive feedback on a mod app. And never online? Okay then.
Ok, stop saying he is never on your in 2 different timezones. I know that because if you weren't then you'd be on when he is. Stop saying excuses.
Sometimes he is online when I am, sometimes not. I recommend not sticking up for your friend in a mod app. Let's stay on topic.