I thought it would be cool if mineverse could have a little addition to it's great KitPvP gamemode called "King of the Hill". Also known as "KOTH". King of the Hill basically means to capture a certain place / type of building for a certain amount of time against other people. For example i would try to stay in a building looking something like this ( https://gyazo.com/e49405db0f3901faf5253d29d7913940 ) for about 5 minutes. Me being within the stone bricks I am what they call "capping" or capturing. If i am capping for a certain amount ( 5 mins ) I will be rewarded loot. Loot like : Protection 4, Unbreaking 3 set, 8 Gapples, 3 Sharp V's. PS: Sorry if the King Of The Hill building is bad not the best at building, and please leave a comment of what you think about it.
if they added it to op pvp it would work because not much kids would quick drop. And if they added it to kit pvp all the /kit fight people would come and it would be hella annoying ;-;
I see where you mean, but this game is usually in a gamemode "Hardcore Factions" also known as HCF. I think it would be best on kit pvp since kit pvp doesn't only have good pvpers, but a lot of people at the same time.
I agree man. Just wanted to show you the usual size of a pretty popular server that has "KOTH" in it. (HCF)
I don't know what you mean, by "What mads are those?" but if you meant mods, then here. https://gyazo.com/5c2dcbeb30ba18e9f326727dbdbb2753
Well, the koth isn't meant for it to be on 24/7, It will only be up for only like 1-2 hours a day, and maybe only 3-4 times a week.
I like this idea but I'd prefer to see the other game modes be fixed before adding anything else, lol. Support, anyway.