Forums is broken. It is impossible to make an account. Cypriot and others, you're basically shooting yourselves in the foot by having banned players not allowed to make accounts to appeal. You're: Losing money Having more chargebacks due to donors sick of the bs going on Losing long time community players Fracturing your community This all stemmed from when you tried to block spam bots. You made it so that virtually 90% of players now cannot log in, and its a problem that needs to be fixed real fast. Also, what isnt aiding in the troubles, moderators remain stubborn about revealing and allowing appeals through friends / in game. I asked a moderator earlier to reveal the proof of a banned player/explain to me why they were banned, as they don't know for themselves, and I was turned down, saying "that player can find out that information by themselves" This glitch has been known publicly for 6 months~ now. Its getting a little ridiculous how it is still not fixed. If you want money stats, I'll give them to you. Mineverse has appx potential donor for every 2.5 players If only 1 out of 10 players can make an account, that's 4 donors you're potentially losing due to their ban The average donation totals around 10-20$ that is $50 you're losing On a good day, moderators collectively ban 50 players. That would total around 100 blasted dollars you're losing every day 6 months on average is = to 180 days. 50 bans times 180 gains you appx 9000 bans (which btw more than 60% go un-recorded ironically) 9000/4 = 2250. 2250 * 20 is 45,000. That's $45,000 you could be losing half a year, and about 90k you could be losing annually. And if you add in the variables of God and Titan you could be looking at upwards of 200k. Add in chargebacks due to frustrated players that could give you another 50k. And all the legal issues you may run into as your TOS conflicts with what they're having to face, meaning lawsuits. ALSO add that to the kids who have alts and such who can also make you money, the list goes on and on. There are major glitches happening... Random spaces are appearing between names, as shown above, some threads break down randomly, and sometimes the site refuses to let you post unless you log out and relog. Don't forget the out of date rules, expired mod guide, and all that fun stuff. Frankly stated you're losing a sh** tonna money. This goes without mentioning the horrendous server maintenance both on the front end by the moderators, and on the back end with dupe glitches, flight glitches, money glitches, etc. If you can't do it, find someone who can. If that doesnt persuade you to make a difference idk what will. We just need a fix asap.
The problem with the forums is larger than what they can fix. That is why it isn't fixed. It's not that they are lazy or don't want people to be able to make accounts. They literally can not fix it. Crew(if he is lucky) will have to find and hire someone skilled in XenForo backend and hope that they can find a solution. If they can not, the only fix will be to scrap this and start with a fresh new forum. No one wants that. Those are the only options.
I know that Cypriot has tried to fix this before. I do think that this should be a major priority over most other things.
There are major glitches happening... That weird random space in the Members Online Now box should not be there. It's been happening for a while now.
If you are referring to a brand new forum then I think you must not understand what that means. Everyone starts over. No more been a member since 2013. No more have 500+ followers. No more Boss Member. No more 300+ trophy points. That's what I mean. A brand new forum. Pretty sure I don't want to be "New Member" in 2015.