Op pvp and factions are now gone .. no body lives in factions once you die and op pvp just became a total massacre .. are they going for skyblock next ? or op factions ?!?! The 2 main gamemodes i play !!! this cannot be happening , too much memories !! dont let it happen mineverse !!! dont let it happen !!! all mods get on !!!! pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase !! save us from total massacre !!!! pleaase!!! dont let it be !!! the sadness !! dont let it be the sadness pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease !!!!
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew what're you doing bro 1?!?!?! whats happening ?!?! The mineverse !!! # ripminevers2015
@Noobcrew got hacked and annihalated op pvp and factions (so i've heard) . at least those were the only once totaled while server was open . no one knows the massacre going on while server is down .
We are aware of the issue. I am going to be locking this thread as we do not need multiple threads on the same topic. If you wish to discuss this you may do so on this thread http://www.mineverse.com/threads/whats-going-on.57572/page-3