1. How do you appeal for teamspeak? I was banned for changing my name to something funny like xxmlgnoscopeswag69xx by Terrick (the admin) I think he shouldn't have /ban because he is always mad and bans people when he wants to. I broke no rules and he turns his mic on and verbally assaults me and then permanatley bans me. The rest of Teamspeak is mostly .net players or mineverse mods such as@AgentWifi @larrythebird101 @Wardogs411 @Krissy_ and @Gizz and a few cool people too like @Quad @Jolie @thorraks and @TimePlaysGames and I am sure some will agree with me that this ban was totally over the top.
Terrick doesn't care about you or your ban. There is no appealing. I posted a report on .net about abuse on TS and even tho it was deemed important by staff, Terrick(TS admin) had it taken down. Said it was "Not a worthy report". TS for this server and .net is full of horrible staff that break rules and and ran by Terrick, a TS admin who cares less about you or any other person on there out of his social circle. My report: http://www.skyblock.net/threads/ts-...lling-mic-spamming-disrespect-resolved.82554/ Evidence: Proof Terrick sucks: https://gyazo.com/b6677c6ea5d75206479bc0bcf53e72c1 Your best bet is to find a different TS server. This one is full of trolls and abusive staff anyway. They don't even follow their own rules.
I agree & i think you can make a ban appeal on skyblock server eventho im sure terrick won't accept it.
lel just message terricks account on here be polite and admit you were wrong and kindly ask to be unbanned. you wait a bit then your most likely back on had to do that cause I decided to break most the rules on skyblock while being on the ts with mods in my channel laughing with me till I was banned by some random.
I'm not banned, but I don't need a ban to keep me off there. That TS is aids. I've seen MLP TS servers ran better than that. Terrick needs an enema and a large glass of gaf. Why would anyone want to use a TS ran that way? I run a TS server along with many other things and there is no way in hell I would let my staff act that way. It's a pity really.
I find it hilarious when people try to claim I ban everyone I feel like banning, quite weird that there's only three people under my bans, and near to no one complaining that I've wrongly done anything. Back to the re-banning of you, I'm not going to unban you at all at this point, you've crossed that line. For one, why don't you tell your end of the story fully? You were banned for changing your name to innapropriate things, which I don't allow for anyone, even the mods. You then messaged me on the forums apologizing, and I unbanned you. You continued to do it even after saying "I'd never do it again". I banned you immediately after changing it back to something inappropriate. As for you Pile, I could care less for your opinion on how I do things on teamspeak, when you're not on in the slightest bit of time to even try to criticize me, if I wanted to, you'd of been banned, do I care? No. You're arguing with a brick wall when you try to insult me or criticize how I administrate. I don't care for opinions when they're horribly biased and have zero point behind them. As for your report on the TS Mods, they're not my problem, nor was that even a report worth dealing with. I can care less whether or not it's you or some other random person reporting them both, they're Cyps promotions, I don't bother with his promotions. They did nothing against the rules, and Incomposed can't twist the rules I set in place, soundboards are allowed. Now are we done pestering like children when we're much older than the way we act? Sounds fun to just end the problem here than to dwindle on it for a longer period of time. Thanks. TLDR; You're not getting unbanned, and if you re-join, a mod will simply reban you when they find out it's you, so good luck. Next time don't try to go behind my back and lie to me, fool me once - shame on me, fool me twice - you won't, because you're banned. kbye
I bet we will be "find" But I guess it is justified for a mod to call a player a "f*cking squeaker" these days.
You've still got it wrong I asked how old you were, doubted that and then asked you to say the word squeak three times. Lying and twisting my words aye? Ok.
Why would you harass anyone about their age and voice as a moderator anyways? Is that a part of your job description to be a condescending a** to players you dont like, and to check their ages? What happened to "moderators must be kind" lol. Apparently you think you're above the rules lol.
You realise ts isn't associated with in game. It's completely different. It's somewhere where we are not strictly help up by rules, while there still being some.
Let me highlight a thing for you from this Gyazo https://gyazo.com/de17e1d593bd1e3784df7d69815e2a1e NO VERBAL ABUSE However, I'm sure as you do not deny these claims, Cypriot would love to hear about this. His own mods harassing others and not caring about their appearance. Tagging Terrick is not needed lol, he has nothing to do with anything so why involve him? Ok then.