I guess it's known by now, @Diamonds180 is now in control of xXPvPKingsXx account due to my Mc Quit I've moved on from the game I decided to give my best and most trusted friend my account. Good day.
how the crap is he getting access to all these old accounts. He's got some older than my account and he didn't start playing till way after I joined.
@Ares_Xena some one ban the thread owner its pvpkings evading bans again its his 4-6 account its warrants an ip ban @Nightfire
IP Change boy, I've got some named nobody knows nor on this current IP address <3 Also, ItzSlay is evading too so yea, she's pointed herself out and you're picking me out? k.
one she's not evading her main account was unbanned so she's on it now. the other one ceasts to be usable. I don't giv a fuq if you can change your ip shocker we can all do that. There are more permanent ways of keeping you off.
Guys stop ranting about him. Just say bye or whatever and live your life better than disrespecting someone you wouldn't really want to spend your time with.