Your ign: xSavageSlayer 2. How old are you? 13 3. Skype (Optional)? I'll tell you if I'm accepted 4. PvP Skills 1-10? 10 ( Strafe Legend ) 5. YouTube (Again optional)? 6. How long ago did you join Mineverse > Kitpvp? 2013 I beleive 7. Do I know you from 2013-2014 Possibly, I changed my ign though. 8. Why do you wish to join our clan? Because I'm sick and tired of being killed by teams with p4 stuff :mad:
This seems like fun 1. Your ign: jubuscs 2. How old are you? 13 3. Skype (Optional)? I PM'd you it 4. PvP Skills 1-10? 6 5. YouTube (Again optional)? I have one but I don't use it ;p 6. How long ago did you join Mineverse? 2 years ago 7. Do I know you from 2013-2014? No 8. Why do you wish to join our clan? I would really like to be able to once again see the people I might've played with a while back. This big PvP tournament seems like a lot of fun too. Please consider my application
Accepted, please wait till I get unbanned to be fully in clan! Also, I'd recommend taking your Skype off page and pm it as people DdoS.