Hello my name is Bjarke i lost my rank when i chnaged name on Minecraft. My name before i changed name Was THBjarke and i donated to God And i dont have my rank yet and i rlly miss it my name on Minecraft now is: _Xemnas_. Can u plz give me my God rank back that could be great. Thanks
why do we need screenshots actually? cypriotmerks can just do /buycraft:recipe <username> and check what ranks they have bought.
If you truly had the rank BuyCraft or PEX will show it. Mail the information that you do have along with: Your exact username (current) Your old username at the time of purchase. Any receipt of payment emailed to you, or proof of purchase. (ie: PayPal transaction ID number) Be patient. This has been known to take some time to fix on this server. Cypriot is a busy man.