How old are you? Im 14 years of age Your in-game name: Dopey_Crafter What timezone are you in? EST What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a mod? I would Love to became a Moderator so i can help people with projects, I'm Nice, Kind, loving companion,i will tell people to draw the line once get out of hand just all the fun simple stuff i will do that a Mod will live to we need some more mods on survival none come on now and i could be one and make it a better place for us all, there might be some foolish things i do but thats in the past i don't want that to stuff up my furture I'm sorry to all the misguide people like i said it all in the pass lets move forward as one whole family, look i would love be a MOD i will be on all the times help when its needed i have a not so good mine craft back story but thats no reason to hold a grouch and lets move on as a community GUIZ i want to be a MOD So BAD I WILL DO ANYTHING TO BE THE BESTEST MOD I CAN BE How long can you be active on the server everyday? 6/12 hrs How long have you been playing Mineverse? 1yrs i think Do you have any past experience as a moderator? never i hope i will soon
I disagree completely on you becoming a mod for the following reasons. 1. You are mean to everyone on the server. 2. You pit trap on survival. 3. You scam everyone on all the servers. 4. You dot take anything seriously. You are not responsible enough for mod at all.
No support, I have seen your reports on the forums and your activity on Survival. Also, your last reply "i don't pit trap what eva that is i don't scam everything aint a joke to me" sounds very immature and unpleasant.
glad its not I'm join thorugh a rough time my great grandmother just passed away i changing from here on out get to know me better see the real me
You have my condolences, however if you really feel that you want to be a moderator you should take a while to fix everything you've done. Be a little more pleasant to people (not saying you aren't) and get to know people on the other games. I believe that you can change for the better but a family member's death shouldn't be causing you to say and do things on the server.