I think kitpvp should be combined with factions. However, I prefer for there not to be bases or vaults. Just like normal kitpvp, and factions. I like hanging with friends, but whenever I pvp people with them, I end up either killing them, or hitting them by accident. Also, I was wondering if you could add the /pv plugin. So we can have more space. My enderchest is always full with prot4, I like how I have a lot , but I hate how I have to go on my alternate accounts to store MORE prot4. Player Vault Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vaults/
Vote at the top. And I was thinking the higher you are in donor ranks, the more you get. like god should get 2. Supreme should get 1 and Titan should get 3-4
SUPPORT! You basically read my mind. I was on today and was saying how the ender chests should be bigger. I hope Noob goes through with this!