Best infection players of all time? You're asking for a flame war, aren't you? There are no "best" players. It's not a competition. It's a game.
Ok, lemme get this right. You think there's a leader board? There is no leader board. The only way they could be the "best" is if they no life that game, are p10, and Titan. They would have to have a clean record as well. Lmao good luck being the "leader board"
Scuffy isn't good, squidy, you're not very modest and wbc isn't very good either. Just because they're high prestiges with their titan kits doesn't mean they're the top players of all time. 1. Smasher1245 2. Xrosmage 3. TADS4 (banned rip)
Did you put yourself on the list? Ohhk... I personally find a 'list of the best players of all time' pointless and bias, depending on who is making the list.
Squidishere I guarantee that you and those "top guys" will cry when you play with us, infection squad 2014. Wbc excepted
There is NO way of measuring the best Infection player. Most p10's get their levels from voting, which requires no skill. A lot of the high ranks use their kits every round, creating a large advantage. Lastly, there are hardly any good players on Infection anyways as far as I know.
I earned mine... I farmed 50 levels in 1 day.... And if you want to talk about the best players this is my input. Desmond the moon bear Rachetclanks Ice Pheonix Captain Piet Carlos Me Only reason I am stating this because these people make me feel nostalgic they are the only true people who have been here since the very beginning and prestige 2 was like a god rank (good old times on infection :( memories R.I.P)
Ok, just leave my 126 rofls with kit sponsor out of the picture. :/ Back in the old days is when there were the good Infection players.