Hey, I was playing on Infection today when I saw that when my map was being played people found ways to jump up on to trees that I intended not to be accessible, and I never found out about these methods of climbing up on to the other trees until after I saw people do it. I have fixed the map by removing a significant amount of vines, adding more leaves to the trees, and editing some things so that a lot of trees that used to be accessible are not accessible anymore. To compensate for doing this, I've added quite a few more hiding places down in the temple to encourage people to be down there more. I have also polished (or rather erode away) more places in the map where there used to not be as much detail. Changes: Multiple ways of climbing up onto trees have been removed. Players can now only parkour up onto trees designated to be climbable (total of three accessible trees). Added detail in the temple walls, ceiling, and flooring (more cobwebs, more little holes, etc.) as well as a few things outside. Added more hiding places in the temple to encourage people to hide there; still not trying to go overboard on the whole 'op spot' concept. Hope the new improved version of my map will replace the old Azteca. Thanks, and I would appreciate if a moderator could tag Cypriot (if possible) so that this could get fixed ASAP. Just remember you guys can always explore the new version of it on my creative plot by typing /p home bhuinda while on creative. I tip my hat off to you zombies out there who wanted to see this gone. ;) Screenshots: Example of a new hiding place (requires minor parkour) http://imgur.com/nFs7Gdx Example of a accessible tree (requires parkour) http://imgur.com/kUsNt2Y Example of a no longer accessible tree http://imgur.com/twMszQT
Support, the map was WAY too human biased, these fixes definetly help balance out the map more. Support @ZeldaNinja
Support. Although there is a small but difficult parkour place at the corner of the map, I hope that stays.