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  • Is this photoshopped (opinions please)

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by slay, Aug 14, 2015.

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    1. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Problem saying that, there is no proof of her being on a different server.
    2. slay

      slay Experienced Member

      Jun 17, 2015
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      eh shes unbanned now
      @bananaman11223 lock this
    3. Musezeta

      Musezeta Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2014
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      Sorry but I believe the photo is tampered with. Why?

      For as many people that know what photoshop is, not many people know what ELA or Error Level Analysis is. Below are 2 sets of screenshots, the top being one I just took in prison, the other being the questioned photo.
      I suggest overlaying the images, or open them all in tabs to toggle back and forth between them to see the differences I'm going to point out.

      In my photo of chat I would like to point out while all elements do double in the ELA photo, they all overlap. Something that cannot be said about certain lines of text in the photo of Fruit.

      Here you can see the mentioned lining up issue in Fruit's photo I stated above. Both haileISaBOSS21's and xxdextermintzxx's text lines are triplicated and are not overlapped, which means these lines of text were shifted either up or down to fill the gap f removed text. Both Snoopyxoxo05's and xTheGalaxyGirlx's lines are doubled and are overlapping as seen in my control photo. And again at the bottom you can see haile's text was not tampered with as it was after Fruit's "chat". Not to mention the fact that two entirely separate chat lines appear for Fruit's message, both of which are different lengths.

      Also these special "accents" on the O's. Why do they only appear on dexter's chat and prisoner rank? Surely if it was on his C-Prisoner it'd be on Galaxy's rank and every other "O" in the picture as well.

      Fruit should be unbanned and whoever reported her should be punished for falsifying evidence.

    4. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      Player unbanned. It was determined this was faked somehow. Further investigation will occur to catch those who set Fruit up. Thank you for your opinions. Thread locked on request.
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