KAOSLEGIIIT 4 LIFE EZ SCAM OVER $1500 eZ @kaoslegit #FreeElrak #DemotePops #DemoteBananaForLeakingInfo #DemoteKingAlexForAbuse
these threads have worked before for others. Thats why we do them we get the community onboard and it gets noticed.
While I agree the hashtags are a little much and Elrak has had many mishaps here, that is no reason to jump on the first chance you get to perm ban his account. I'll explain. The forum infractions/warning point system had just changed on the 3rd: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/new-warning-point-system-updated.55954/ Elrak had stated that he was one infraction away from a perm ban according to the new system. He had a pending report against a staff member in the private staff reports section against one or more of the staff team. In that thread he spoke out stating that KingAlex was an incompetent moderator. One of the newer mods saw this as offensive and therefore punishable. (which it was not) He was issued points for the remark an those points caused his permanent ban. This thread was posted because the original thread was locked pending Cyp's unbanning of the account. An action the thread maker deemed unnecessary and uncalled for. Either way this was made to hopefully bring light to the issue with Elrak's banned account and hopefully draw attention to what some call abuse of powers at play here. I honestly think based on the responses from the staff on the last thread(http://www.mineverse.com/threads/biased-abusive-staff-cyp.56217), that the mod who issued the points now regrets her decision and most of the staff team would agree he should be unbanned. The only problem is Cyp is the only one who can do so. It has to be done from the admin panel, and since we have no forum admin currently who could unban the account we sit in limbo and Elrak stays banned for something that he shouldn't be banned for. No one is asking that he be given special treatment., just that he be treated fairly. I hope I was able to shed some light here.
Just because he has no logic over the mineverse community it doesn't mean he has no logic in general. Calm your titties I think it's in a bunch.
How about, this. My ban appeal has already been accepted, you're calling me a toxic member because these 'various' people have told you that I've done horrible things to them. Want to know something? There's no way in hell that I will do something unless already done to me before by the other player. In fact, I happen to be quite nice in-game, helping new players (making sure people don't see it so my #rep doesn't go down). You're calling me this toxic player because you're one of those kids that are at the back of the field, sure I've made a lot of trouble on the server but I've done more good then bad, nothing extreme to deserve a permanent ban. You've been on .net for 7 months, you wouldn't understand. I got perm banned on this server after being here for 2 YEARS, I've put two whole years of my life into this server, it's extremely hard to leave even if I like/dislike it. Warn me for calling an incompetent moderator, incompetent? That makes no sense! I've broken no rules, not even a level 0 warning was called for what I did. It was a rash and bad decision the moderator made and they have owned up for it and said they're sorry. Yet, we still have people like you saying how 'incompetent' is the worst word in the dictionary. eat a dik #FreeElrak
Enough with #FreeElrak getting very immature now. Unbannd Elrak from the forums. As for DjRyan, you're temporarily banned for one day for swearing and not using the correct section for reports. I'm shocked not one moderator has given you a warning for your language. -.- As for you guys targeting the moderators, i'm not having it. Stops now or you will be punished for it. Stop using discussion section for reports, next person I see that creates a report in discussion section I will permanently ban you and spam clean your account. You're making the player feel uncomfortable. As for you Incomposed, you're a .net moderator stop being so immature and joining in. -.-