Hi, this suggestion is adding the number of warning points you have(if you have any) below your name. It looks like this: There would be less confusion if you're banned(for having a lot of warning points) and do not know why you're banned(since you don't know your warning points). For those who prefer to act as 'trolls', e.g. compete to see who has the most Warning Points, purposefully making a person generate more Warning Points for himself, or mocking those who have a lot of Warning Points this would be a solution: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/new-warning-point-system-updated.55954/, having Warning Points added upon themselves. This was suggested by TADS4 but since his threads were deleted, I wanted to bring this up again.
Thank you. I don't really see a downside to this suggestion. Could you state why this would be an issue? Thanks for replying. Any reason?
I suppose I have mixed feelings on this. On one side, it would be nice to see who may be a troll, or otherwise someone who has violated the rules in such a fashion as to warrant warning points, but I am not sure beyond that what the benefit may be. The potential downsides however, may be interesting. In MV, for better or worse, there are some very skilled trolls. I could see these players perhaps taking advantage of someone with a decent number of warning points and try to bait them into doing/saying something that would earn them more points, potentially leading to temp/perm bans. In addition, I could see someone people (fewer than the above, but still a couple) taking the warning point system as a "game" to try to get players they may dislike or disagree with to rack these points up for discipline. Now I understand players shouldn't rise to the bait, but given the average age of many players on MV, I can see trolling/baiting paying off and potentially causing some issues. If there are more positive reasons than the one I listed above, please let me know as I am definitely not opposed to the idea, but I would just like more of an idea of the why it would be a good thing. Regards, Melgrath
Never really would've thought of that, nice to see an in depth comment on the downside of having this suggestion implemented. I'll think of positive reasons to make you write a support here.