Is your brother telling you staff info? Thank you! I will be sure to pass that to Cyp! Edit: HE EDIT IT OUT LOL EAT IT HAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHA I AM ANOMALY 2GOOD4LIFE
Right, it sure did, no wonder why you covered up so quickly and deleted the post right? Lol good try tho, i'm too quick on the draw <3.
Either way, someone in the staff is leaking information. This prooves that some staff are irresponsible , but its most likely a failed cover up :>
it is simple reverse psychology. I responded fast to see what he would do. If his story was true, he wouldnt delete it as soon as I called him out. He did that as he didnt think I would have proof. When I showed proof, he made his story.
I probably will get punished for this. But yeah you have like dating under age girl online and not telling your parents... And we all have the suspicion her parents are oblivious too. That's what's what you've done.
I don't understand the reason why you're making a big deal about this. If you really thing that making a "#FreeElrak" thread is going to help, you're surely mistaken. If you really want to have him be unbanned, go ahead and either 1) talk to the staff or admin about it, 2) have him go ahead and appeal, or 3) have only one report open on the same case. I find it pretty pointless to have this thread. What, a bunch of people saying "#FreeElrak!" is going to have him be unbanned? If you want him to be unbanned, this isn't the way to do it. I'm actually really surprised that people think this will help the situation. From what I've heard, Elrak has done awful things to various people. Treat him as you would any player; you would warn, then tempban, then ban. Easy as that. He's had his chances, and he blew them all. Why don't you make this for someone else other than Elrak? Because he's your friend and you want him to be "unbanned?" Yeah, well this isn't the way to do it. This is pretty saddening to see that you guys have stooped down to this level and you are now making these petty threads. Probably a permanent ban is a little much, but this isn't his first. He's a toxic member, and there is enough trouble as it is from him. `` And since when can you report moderators for doing their job? If you think their biased, go make a report on it. I know you already did, so why have this thread? To show that you're "mighty" and "powerful?" EDIT: "Clearly [ I ] don't know the mineverse community, go back to .net"