a got a few people asking me what system i had and what's games so i took a picture of my systems and games some systems are cut out and same with games and the photo was not the best My systens arre Wii,Wiiu.Xbibx360 ,ps2 but its go cut off.ps3,ps4 and my games yeah i have a lot some closer up view of my games (i got all these games when i cam to Canada i had the ps2 and wii in Japan those were the only systems i owned im and anime fan and a gamer in heart :P) What system and game do you all have?
Pac man world 2 is awesome :p I have: Systems- Ps2, XBox original, Snes, Nes, Wii, nintendo DS, and my favorite PC. Console Games (going by favorite)- Zelda link to the past, mario world 1 and 2, donkey kong 1 2 and 3, CoD 3, The great escape, Desert storm, Zelda twilight princess, Chrono Trigger, pokemon X and Y, and vvvvvv. PC Games- Terraria, teportal 2, Minecraft, unturned, five nights at freddy's 1 2 and 4 (3 sucks), and don't starve. :rolleyes:
I have a PS4 (don't use it), a 3DS (usually for Pokémon), and a custom built PC which I spend 99% of my time on Heck, I even still have my GameCube.