Taking this one step further, I would hopr This is the problem. you permbanned the account. Only Cyp can unban the user from the admin panel. You removing the points that were issued does not unban the account. I really wish you guys had someone training you. :/
Oh, well, I guess Elrak will have to stay banned. :\ Sorry guys. If it were me, I'm probably unban him.
Cypriot stated that if he breaks one more rule he is out of here. He didn't say how severe, he only said one more. That could mean anything. It isn't exactly clear. Incompetent is something that is not really disrespectful but opinion based. I guess it's up to Merks wither or not Elric gets unbanned regardless of what us mods say. We have no power now you should know. He may have been poorly but if Merks says he stays banned, that is going how it is going to be. And we can't do much about that. Accept it or not.
Uh you're wrong there. If you havent noticed yet, it was prin who banned him, and even she said it was rash. If you cant get that through you have no business even replying.
Did you just not read what I said DJ? It does not matter who banned him at this point. It is Cypriot's choice wither Elric gets unbanned. To be honest, he should because of the poor reasoning. I am with you guys but we can't unban a perm banner user once banned. That is my point. If Merks says no unban, he stays banned. Stating what I said once again. I am not stupid, I wouldn't be forming these statements without knowing the situation.
"He" is used very lightly there, granted it wasn't about him in specific, nor did he agree to any ban, as he could simply do it himself lmao. ^ Horribly out of order, but you get my point. He never said he approved of someone being banned for saying a mod is incompetent, it's a slight insult at the least, not something worth banning or even applying warning points for, threads are made insulting mods all the time, this being one in specific with no action taken towards the poster. The slight differences in the mods actions is what causes people to question the rules, this being no exception.
God thank you. It was not Cypriots choice lmfao. He was lied to/not given any specifics on the ban. Please, just stop. If he wanted to forum ban someone he could easily spam clean them and send them to hell. This is a question of how fairly moderators act.