I agree the mods on here are bad.. but who the hell has the time to actually take the time and waste like 10 minutes on these kind of threads
I was told this morning that Elrak was perm banned for making that statement in a staff report, making it that much more upsetting. I could see if he disrespected the staff, but calling KingAlex an "incompetent mod" is most definitely not an insult. It is ok to dislike someone but, making a biased decision out of haste and based off personal feelings is unjust as staff. He should be treated fairly. If I was to call @Prin a "biased mod incompetent of performing her job correctly" does that put me at risk for warning points? I would hope not. Especially if it was done in a staff report against a staff member. As staff you are here to protect and serve these members. Even the ones you dislike or are rude to you.
We're not calling him an idiot. We are pointing out that he does not have the required skills or knowledge to moderate properly yet.
lol lol x2 No point arguing, cyp agreed to the ban, pointless to continue otherwise you're just saying the admin is wrong, which is stupid. Just going to lol @ those two comments a bit more though. I seemed to have posted too early, yet another laughable post. I'm best friends with cyp, remember, those things don't apply to me.
To those who say it wasn't disrespect, it was. Calling someone incompetent is offensive and disrespectful, and it was made worse because it was disrespect of staff.
For calling someone incompetent.. Really thats not disrespectful.. It could be true.. Although me and Elrak has had a rough path, thats just plain up stupid he got banned for that. #FreeElrak