Cool story man . Be yourself and do not listening to bad people,you are perfect boy and a nice character and i don't care if you are bi or gay or transexual or anything else.I'm not gonna marrie you so i don't care what is your sexuality you are just a nice person and sexuality doesnt change people characters ;).Good job on coming out diggy.
Wow. This reminded me that everyone is 100% meant how THEY WANT to be, not take everyone else's trends. And Diggy has done just that. Well done for being confident to say this. I definitely couldn't say it better myself (most likely because I wouldn't :p) but yeah, I hope people are inspired by you, honestly.
Even though I don't really know you, I'm proud of you. It takes guts to come out and say something like this. Props to you!
Don't worry Diggy. The ancient Spartans took part in intimate homosexual activity, and they weren't ashamed of it as it was a part of their culture and tradition.