Hello Mineverse community, as you know OP Factions community is really out of hand with in-active mods hardly on the server OP Factions I applied for mod for it as I'm always active on the server, but lets get to the point, Mineverse > OP Factions really needs a mod who is "Active" everyday for 4-5 hours on "OP Factions" the community is terrible always disrespect on the game-mode most of all! Nobody can have fun! :( Mainly because wannabe's like @KillTMan2000 always starts a fight on someone by 1. DdoSing them 2. Calling them "eZ" because of "mcmmo" or generally disrespecting them, if mineverse > OP Factions had a Active mod the community will settle down and be a fun place to enjoy and have fun Raiding, PvPing, and building bases! A few screenshots of @KillTMan2000 behaviour. http://gyazo.com/6d60751baf0cda8b856e33240f7fcfe7 http://gyazo.com/ae0f26aab3aefa122623ee0a5779c6c6
The creative community Is just full of rile players and afkers, it's terrible XD if mineverse had a role playing server they could all leave creative for the guys who wanna y'know ... be creative since the server was actually designed for that and not to larp (live action role playing) about
Learn how to take defend yourself not just reporting everything and crying that everything needs to be fixed / changed. Those screenshots arnt even that bad tbh people have said worse stuff to me irl and ingame so grow up
Lol? Have you seen OP Factions community? No. Get off the thread if you've not been on it nor seen what they're like on it, I've been DdoS'd daily on OP Factions so get your facts right.
Lol? Hacker friends? What ones? Huh? What hacker friends? Well? Exactly none as none of my "hacker" friends play minecraft nor mineverse.
k-mart aye? Right get your candy from walmart bby and come back with some cute words? And for second quit calling me a hacker you little kid.