@Alex @Echoed_ and @TADS4 have inspired me. Ok guys, so for a few years no I've been confused with my life. I was attracted to women I knew that for sure, but as I got older I realized I was getting slightly attracted to some guys but I focused more on women and thought that I was going crazy. After getting talks from a few people who came out [Not these guys] I realized that there is nothing wrong with being bi-sexual. So yeah. Just putting out there.
those gifs ugh If you truly are sure that this is what you are, then it's great. But just make sure you're honest with yourself.
This may sound rude but these threads are so stupid in my opinion you are telling internet people you are bi >.< This is quite stupid to me but maybe that's just me ._.
I am scared to tell my friends I am bi. I am scared to tell my mother I am bi. If I can post a thread in a community I love that shows me amazing support, that brings me one step closer to facing my fears of coming out, face to face. It's one step closer to bravery. If you do not understand that, and you do not like the threads, you do not have to look at them.
For the reason I just stated. Some people, like myself, have the hardest time talking to others face to face. I also have the fear of judgement when posting on the Internet. But if I can take that one step further by telling a stranger, it might bring up the courage to tell a real life loved one.
Are you planning on having a boyfriend on internet? If no why are you posting this, we're not on a dating site man.