It seems as if this problem is intentional. I do not know if the admins want this implemented. Tagging them for a possible answer and/or explanation. @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
I think its because of your prefix as a titan, because have you ever seen a non donor be a skylord? My theory is the the titan prefix is blocking out Skylord prefix. Awnser: Unless by some magic you are a non donor again or have an alt that completes that that is a non donor there is no current way to get that prefix
@bananaman11223 you cannot get the prefix because it would replace your donator prefix, chat manager has higher permissions than Sky block prefixs, basically since there are donors it won't happen
It doesn't interfere with his donor status. Even if it did interfere with his status, he would still have the rank, it just wouldn't show. I believe it would be [Skylord][Titan / Head-Mod] Bananaman11223
I'm pretty sure that's after the name and if the plugin is already configured to change the prefix then it's probably more agg than its worth
Also you missed what I said, it would be pre written into the plugin, unless they took apart the plugin I don't think it would work
Locking as inactive? If this is still an issue feel free to open another thread. (or you unlock this yourself :c)