surprise mtherfkers! im here with another infection map. all credit goes to @burrbunn along with a few other helpers. Builders: Echoed_(head-builder and also @burrbunn), @ZaMpAgE, XxXKit_KatzXxX (@xXDubstep_BearXx) @5DollarBillMC2, @sniperboy316 Helpers: Nobody Ideas: Nightfire88359 Pictures: Plot Access: /p h:2 Echoed_ This map has the theme of Oriental, which means Orient, which means East Asia. It is themed off of Japan. We have a temple, a couple of houses, an abandoned windmill, and Giant Cliffs, waterfalls, Caves/Mines, Cherry Blossom Trees, Rivers, etc.
Nice Burr, I built a little shrine on the mountin top to give the mountain some flair. I' m glad to see that those spots are fixed.