You never fail to be the biggest <edit>... FACTS: You have disliked Pink from the day I promoted her on Prison. You targeted her while you were drunk last night to get her upset then blast her for reacting appropriately. I would have called you way more than an "<edit>". You hate women in power positions who don't keep their mouths shut. Which is ironic being that we both know who wears the pants in your house. :t: Maybe leave her alone? Haven't you given her enough grief? Support!!
No support. Not a day have I seen you on any server of Mineverse after your demotion. I agree with @ScoFu13 on the statement you made, but your not loyal to any server you get promoted on. When you were "staff" on my old server you only got on when Thorraks did. That is not how moderation works and this is my opinion, maybe the truth even. You even stated in your application, "This is for fun", moderation is not for fun, but to make players gametime better than it was. Simple, however, good luck. EDIT: Why should you be re-promoted when you tried to get amazing moderators to resign?
nah, no support. I've never seen you back online after your demotion, you're already an admin on this other server. I doubt you're going to have any time for Mineverse. You just seem more power hungry to over look players like me. ;^( - A lion
Today this post was removed accidentally for being "off topic". I thought in hindsight, I should go into further detail and explain how Scofu's "no-support" has history and how my post is absolutely on topic and important for you all to hear. I made a general statement about his distaste for Pink but I feel I should go into detail about what I am actually talking about here and then followup with why I support Pink for a second chance to have the opportunity that she was never given to moderate this server her first time around. When I was mod here I was promoted to "Warden" which had PEX permissions to promote on the prison server. I was told by Cyp that I would be promoting on the prison server upon approval of the apps I chose for "Guard". I chose Pink because Cyp and I agreed to start her as Guard and promote her to mod later from there. Scofu didn't agree with my choice and was rather upset/salty of my promotion and abilities, unaware that Warden had PEX commands before I was given the promotion. He didn't like her and was against it. I went ahead with the promotion with Cyp's approval and Pink became Guard. It was right after that Scofu made it very clear that he would not assist in her training and spoke openly with me that he wanted no part of her. He stated that he "hated her" before she was ever even able to show him her efforts. In the following days after her promotion Scofu would be rude and belittle pink in the staff chats. I had to go to him on several occasions and tell him to stop. To which he laughed. This went on her entire time as staff. His ridicule and out-casting of Pink made for a unwelcoming environment for her. She never quite got to feel like a part of the team and often kept to herself and the couple of staff that she trusted and were kind to her. She worked diligently and handled every report she could with her limited permissions as Guard. She was active and did a great job. She triumphantly succeeded even given the obstacles laid at her feet before she was even in the door... Pink is an admin on a successful server(CubeCraftGames), and has held the position for more than a year. This server currently holds 2nd in highest voted servers on . With an even higher player average volume than MV. She has experience, a great personality, is friendly and holds one of the warmest hearts I have had the pleasure of knowing. She loves this server. I know she would do her best here. I wish you the best of luck Pink. I can't express to you enough how much I wish I could have made things better for you then. I hope that one day you get the chance you deserve here.
Damn is this is a battle ground or an application. Can we just act mature and leave each others opinions alone? I get it if you don't agree with others, but just keep it to yourselves. One support/no support is enough, no need for harassment on the applicant or anyone else. I support Pink as she's more than capable of moderating a server as she has proven by Administrating one of the largest servers, and she is very kind.