Hello dear Members 'n' Staffs, today I want to show a old known bug. Yo ucan create a party without any problems, but parties without any friends don't make sense.... The following bug makes me impossible to invite friends. So. If you want to invite a friends you need to type in the following: /party invite <friend's name> This is the thing, which doesnt work by me. Maybe the following screenshot will help: Focus on red. You see, that I can't invite my friend. I type: /party invite JayH_ and it says: MV Party> The player JayH_ isn't online! But you can see clearly, that he is online... Obviously he is right in front of me. So, please can you help me here, because this bug slowly starts to annoy me.... D: By the way, I tried to relog multiple times. ~Olc Spoiler: Blue mark Umm yea, as you see I also marked something blue... This was a player insulting random people all the time. Please warn him if you can.
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