Their name: @Nicosonic12345 My name: @WolfWhisperer Description: As you can see, this person was rate abusing @Zombie__Creed4MOD as well as disliking anyone who didn't support his mod application.
That doesn't mean you rate abuse people who disagree with you, and give him a bunch of positive ratings.
Wtf has that got to do with this thread? You don't make any sense mate. Go to sleep. It seems like you're grumpy.
Listen @Nicosonic12345 its not rates that make a Moderator, it's that players actions. Not all the time are people going to agree with what you have to say, and arguing with them is not the sloution. Believe me. Please if you really want to support me please go back and remove your rates, and just leave a like or something on the application. Thank you friend.
I ask all of you to read our rules here:
I'm sorry for the extra messages. I know truly the only one that should've replied was @Nicosonic12345 .. I'm hoping that the ratings could at least be removed or something. Sorry about breaking that rule, although I am directly involved.