Hey guys, I figured I might as well create a list of suggestions that I believe would improve GTA. Some may be from other threads, but I've only put ones I like on here. If you think of any others, post them below and if I agree I'll add it to my list. GTA Suggestions -/who /list ect -Private chests/extra storage -Broken/dmged guns should work -Fix command or fix sign -Items in auction should show actual name eg. Auctioning 'Ghast tear' should say 'Pistol ammo' -Gang commands are broken -Remove Zoom on All Melee Weapons -Add extra melee weapons, eg. shiv, knife, ect -Remove driving cars in water(if possible) -Add colour codes for general chat -Add invsee for Titans -Some players have 'feathers' which are called Jumper. They're soul bound items(you never lose them). I think all Titans should have them, also soul bound to make them rare. Also, decrease the height they boost. -Lower kit cool down to about an hour -Add a kit for all players to have, a starter kit -Remove tell ** -Add xp bottles at spawn or make it so you can get XP from kills, or xp bottles in chests. -Enable the use of ALL CRAFTING TABLES at spawn - Some don't work -Add a shop at spawn or something where you can sell certain things so that getting money is easier. Maybe give people the ability to sell ammo -Make it harder to destroy cars, but make it so if you shoot a car it destroys -Add in a bandage item that heals you -Add enderpearls Thank you.
support, a way to store money would be good too, or earn money from killing people e.g. if i lose $25 my killer should get said $25
Support, I would also like to see maybe a 'bandage' mechanic that would heal like 3 hearts that would spawn randomly in chests. As well as EXP bottles that spawn randomly in groups of 1-4 in a chest. Lastly add in ender pearls that also spawn in chests.
Jeez this thread is perfect! Another suggestion is making it so the "Jumper" does not damage, some players abuse this and make it a grenade launcher type of weapon that does insane damage making it worse than the auto sniper.