Hello friends! Today I would like to bring up a little something. I have noticed that when your infection map (or anything) is accepted it takes a little bit till Cyp promotes you. If your map was accepted (or anything) comment down here with evidence. This has a been an issue when your map was accepted and you were promised to get MVP, or upgraded. Format: In-Game Name: Evidence: Your rank right now. This is mine: In-Game Name: PandaBae__ Evidence: http://gyazo.com/f04921c93847442f5845dcfb4951f6d1 Your rank right now: God http://gyazo.com/6705a5baa4321ca326cb7cdf756ca188
Oh, don't even start. My friend has emailed this a thousand times. I tried to. Also, why not be impatient?
I haven't promoted you yet because I want to make sure the map is going to stay there permanently, I'm making sure infection community likes the map and it's fair for both teams. Most players change their support to no support, let them test out the map live. ;p
wait.. are you promoting @Asided or me? or both? asided was the one who recorded the map, but i was the one who built it.. .-.
Locking thread as your question has been answered. Just be patient and if the map becomes permanent you will receive your rank upgrade.