About me: Hello, I live in Sydney, and I go am a happy person in real life. I go to a private school, and I have many friends. One of my favourite hobbies (other than minecraft) is to browse the internet. I joined the forums same day as mineterria (mod) so we are destined to be friends <3. I enjoy playing here, and I have watched myself turn from Noob to pro :p. I remember when I joined, and I was wearing kit fight everyday. I then got to protection iv diamond armour and owned everyone :p. I play some sports irl such as: tennis, soccer, and swimming. I am a enthusiastic person and I don't mind things. I don't even rage if I get raided on factions (only sometimes). I have lots of friends here. Here are some of my details: Skype - AwesomeMinecrafter. And youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeqnNM6GWR3tRVWj5xsBB2A. I send me a msg in game if you want any help. I am happy to give out help to anyone who asks for it! How old are you? 13 years old, turning 14 soon. Your in-game name: legends152 - I'm a Titan as well. What timezone are you in? AEST. What country do you live in? Sydney, Australia. - the country of awesomeness... Like mineterria. What languages do you speak? I only speak English. :p But I kinda learn manderin (Chinese) in school. I don't know much. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be guard, because I like Cypriot (ok no lol maybe). I am always willing to welcome and help new players with things that they need help, such as commands etc.. I am also an old time member of Mineverse, I've played about a year :p. I play almost everyday, and I am a good rule obeyer, I ALWAYS believe in making rules priority. I am still a kind person, always offer to sell items for cheap to make life easier for people (prison). I would like to become a guard rank on prison because I would like to have some power over how people act everyday, preventing hackers, rule breakers, and mean people. There are not so many mods/guards on in prison, since my time-zone is completely different. I repeatedly see people with swords there, and I would like to stop this from happening! I really love the server and all it's people. I would love to be apart of the wonderful mine verse guard community in prison :D. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be on from 4:30 pm - 1 am each week-day. On the weekends I can play 8 am - 1 am. So I am on pretty often. Shows how much I like this server. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I've been playing for a whole year :p. My friend: Cryptic_Luxury (admin rank) introduced it to me . Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, but I am currently a helper rank on the Sparklepvp server. I have been a helper rank there for a few months and would hope to be guard on prison soon. :p. I would also like to ask: If I got guard could I stay as my rank on all the other servers but prison? I like playing as a normal player on the other servers, I just would like to be a guard on prison.
Support.Nice app though.But Introduce yourself a little bit. Plus you need more reasons to support your app in the *Why should I become a mod*Area
Warning you will loose titan if you become prison gurad I believe that was happening to a lot of people on kitpvp when they had God rank and got Commander. I could be wrong but just saying $250 gone...
That's why you don't buy Commander if you have a donation rank. It also said so on the sign on KitPvP.