For the past in forever there has been no moderators on any servers. I play on all servers ans whenever i go on them there is no Moderators on? If your a moderator do u not have to go on servers and record hackers? or screenshot spammers and people who swear? just wondering
its kinda impossible to have a mod on all the time, i guess you are just missing them. If mods simply do not do their jobs without reasoning then they will be pulled up on it.
I only see mods on prison and creative i check on and off for the whole summer on mineverse and no mods were on factions, kitpvp, and op pvp
I'm on vacation, So my internet is VERY slow. So I try going on Minecraft, but keep getting kicked every 5 minutes which is annoying..
I don't remember seeing you on survival "for the past in forever". Maybe you don't see any mod because of the time zone. May I ask what is your time zone?. If you need a mod to solve a problem you can always come to the forums and ask for help. ._.
In contrast with this thread's title, there are currently 21 Staff members: 2 Admins, 1 Head Mod, 7 Globals and 11 Moderators ;)
These threads used to fuel fires and start a war against staff but now, they are being put in there place and being shot down. Good job community! Also, I am plenty active on all gamemodes but that doesn't mean I will be there when you stroll on. I am also on a long vacation and can't access the server with my computer.
I moderate as much as I can and try my best to keep as active I said on my application. I'm not active right now because I'm on a trip. I moderate kitpvp and Prison under my timezone.