Hey guys I am doing upgrades for stuff on prison only !! (I will not scam) I highly ask for you to give items and money first. Post below. ! What rank you want: (Either upgrades or a rank) Ign: How much money: Items:
What rank you want: (Either upgrades or a rank): Elite-> Supreme Ign: Scorvix How much money: 1mil, Items:160 voter keys, 1 Common Crate Key, 4 Soap My only condition it that you buy the rank first. I have never scammed anyone, and never will. If I did, my chances at becoming a moderator would parish
If you're felcam, then yes you do scam. You've scammed me on kitpvp once before. I no longer need an upgrade, but the only way people will trust you is if you go first. So, do you go first?