Hey guys for all that know me I am a old time player. My ign is XeonoHD currently but the old one was felcam. A lot of you Mineverse people would know me but I am on vacation right now and yes I do Skype. But the reason I am thinking about quitting Mineverse is because DDOS. I skype a lot of people from Mineverse and the only way they kill me is do this thing called DDOS. Like Kings said Skype has done nothing to us but hurt us. So all the people that read this I might be leaving I'm not sure yet. But my most best friend was davisabog. I will never forget him and OnionTacoBean. They meant everything to me we would do everything together. Also another reason i might be leaving I will go to hcf. I'm sorry people but the amount of hacksuating is just ridiculous. Everytime I fight after is they call hacks. If you think I'm hacking come to hcf. Guys in thinking hard right now.
Good luck with your choices. I understand what you are going through. Choose carefully, because not everyone is like what you mentioned in Mineverse. Nevertheless, have fun playing with the Mineverse Community!
lol bro. All you did was DDoS people back in the day (if I am correct, and it really is Felcam) so don't get angry over this.. lmao