Hello, chupacabra200 here(EndlessDayz). I have some new commands I would like to suggest for gamemodes that use money over a period of time(factions, kit pvp, survival, etc.) to have the commands /withdraw and /trade to be added into the gamemodes. Pros: 1. This would prevent distrust as both people would have to give each other the items or money at the exact same time. (/withdraw would allow you to give your money physical form in the form of notes) 2. It would prevent a lot of reports allowing the staff to focus on other matters. 3. It would allow the Mineverse community to become more trustworthy of each other and establish better relations with each other and improve the attitude of Mineverse in general.
Problem is, people can and will find ways around the trade system. People can also find ways to dupe items with it.
True... but another server I know that uses this system has it that you cannot click and drag; when you click on an item, it is automatically placed in the trade slot. Also, would you care to explain more about the ways people might get around the trade system?
No support. I have been told that there are many duping glitches in any plugin that has ./trade http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/trade/tickets/33-dupe-bug-major-issue/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/trade/tickets/35-glitch-duplicating-items/