It's extremely easy to hide, if you would like to offer an explanation on how you can catch triggerbot, freecam, and autoclicking, I would like to hear it. I mean, just click over your triggerbot, you can't catch freedom, and I can just set my auto clicker to the same speed as my jitter clicking. Ez.
It actually doesn't say you aren't allowed auto clicking in the rules ;P, plus, no one will ever know if you do break the rules.
Triggerbot: So whenever an entity walks past you and you hit it, that isn't fishy? Freecam: True, really can't prevent it. I don't see a point to it though, Autoclicking: Not fishy, if you keep attacking something over and over, without changing up your style? Anti-afk: Auto jumping is easily spottable.
I'd rather you all didn't discuss about how you can use hacks, knowing how strictly forbidden they are here. Closing.