Welcome to #ProsGonnakIll Clan! If you want to join, fill this form. In-game name: ----------- How old(11+): ----------- Bow Skills(-/10): ----------- PvP Skills(-/10): ----------- Parkour Skills(0/10): ----------- Do you know me: ----------- What rank: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The RANKS Leader: 1.Oppil2002 Co-Owner: 1. 2. Admins: 1. 2. 3. 4. Mods: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recruits: 1. Ashley12zena 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1, Ashley12zena 2, I'm 17 years old. 3, My bow skills are about 7-8.:D 4, I'm really good at pvp I'll say 9,5/10 5, I really don't do parlour much but I'm kinda good so 5,5/10 6, I seen you play infection and I know that you are rank elite. 7, I'll take rank recruit also I'm rank Titan.
In-game name: Forum name (BlueL1ghtn1ng) How old(11+): 12 but age doesn't define how mature you are. Bow Skills(7/10): While falling/climbing 6.5/10 Dodging: 7.5/10 Stationary but moving target 7.5/10 Stationary target but moving 6.5/10 PvP Skills(6-8/10): [ used to be really good until I stopped for a while :/ ] With working internet: 7/10 With lag 5/10 Technique: 7-8/10 (moving left to right and backwards occasionally to prevent getting hit) Parkour Skills(6.5/10): Ladder parkour: 6.5/10 Hardcore parkour: 7.5/10 Parkour while dodging: 6/10 Do you know me: No but I have seen you a few times, What rank: Going just for member.