Hello, I think it's time for the KitPvP PvP arena to be removed and enderpearling/jumping/whatever else was disabled to be re-implemented. There is no longer a use for this, and it's extremely annoying being unable to do certain things in the Mines. It also makes trapping easier. Thanks, Gizz.
I made a somewhat similar suggestion, only mine was to see if they could remove the region on that part of the ocean
Either way the Arena needs to be removed. The pearl zone is just annoying, I ran down there just to get 6v1ed in a corner near trap room and not be able to pearl away. Also, it makes tp trapping a LOT more easier.
If this gets removed.. its going to make it nearly impossible to kill someone who has an inventory full of pearls. I suggest a 5 second cool down for pearling. Maybe even higher? or maybe even lower? idk
Support +get rid of diamond armour all together for real fun and competition not a team of 5 kit god people slaughtering and camping. >:3