Hi, I've been wanting to learn programing for a while and I'm looking for some tips on what language I should learn (I'm kinda wanting to learn java but should I start with python or another easier language first?) and if there are any good places on the internet to help me to learn code? Thanks to anyone willing to help me :D
Start with visual basic first. It will guide you all the way to other programming languages. Also If you seek to learn to make websites. Start off with HTML Than PHP and javascript. I know this because I'm doing a Software Development course, and it will all make sense once you learn this languages first.
I have been learning C# for 2 years, java for half a year and PHP for about a month. I recommend to start with C# or VB.net, as they're the most easiest languages. Do not start with python, it's a very hard language for my opinion. Good luck and message me if you need any help .
Machine code XD no don't I would recommend learning vbscript (visual basic + VB.net) then c++ then C then if your feeling good, Java if not, keep working on C. By the time your 25 you should be able to learn java :D PS: before C and after C++ try python
C and C++ are native languages, they're the most hard languages to understand and you need to be experienced to code in them. You don't even need to learn them if you're not going to develop applications that run on all OS's without NET framework. Java is a very easy language, why would you need to be 25 in order to learn it?. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Java can be learnt by anyone, my friends are 14 and know alot of Java compared to 25 year old It's all about effort ;) Effort gives you anything in life.
I did try java back when I was 13 and didn't find it too hard but then I got busy and never went back to it. What I had learnt so far really wasn't that difficult and even though I'm not an expert at it I think that Smartloser and troy are right about the fact that you don't need to be 25 to learn it.
I can't teach you Java. There are many guides online that you can look at. However, if you need help, or if you don't understand something, hit me up
1. I meant to say machine code 2.C and C++ were the easiest languages for me to learn -_- 3.Maybe i code in different times? i started with Java it was still pretty hard
Well I know that nobody has suggested this but I've decided to learn objective-c first cause I'm realizing that I want to learn an object oriented language first and it's sort of a middle language between java and c.
You should should know ™ ® © Hope this helped you command 2, command r, command g. command k :DDDD