Hello Mineverse I'm writing this because I want to know when the new GTA Server will come out. If your not sure what I'm talking about go to /lobby2 and click the compass. Then you'll see GTA Coming Soon. If you know when it will come out please tell me I can't wait!
I'm not sure when it will come out, but I would love to see how this GTA gamemode will play out. Seems like they are trying new things in all lobbies. I would love to play this.
The new lobby and game-modes will most likely be released soon. Though further information cannot be released. GTA moderator <-- *cough*
I would actually enjoy playing this. LUCKY I'll be applying there when it comes out ;-; I leave for camp on Sat ;-;
I was asking someone about it yesterday, and they asked "Billy, do you think they will have block hookers too?"