No support. • you have two apps now • not enough detail • not enough experience • grammar • it's English not Anerican (for what languages you speak) • you won't get promoted with a name like that • you know to show respect to everyone at all times, and avoid calling people names at ALL TIMES
No support. Here's what you should fix. America is not a timezone American is not a language. Your title is not in correct format. Fix your grammar. Your name. Change it plz. Make the why should you be a mod section better. By adding more detail not by just saying you've been a mod on your friends server which probably had no people on it. Mineverse is a big server and we need trustworthy mods. 3 days is not enough on this server, be more active in-game and on forums. You have 2 mod apps open. Good luck!
No support. This isn't detailed enough. As well as not very organized at all. Most of the applications here are very long and more than 1 word or 1 sentences. Clearly, you didn't spent time on your application. As other people said, did you made another app?
@sRm_sNiiPeR_b4 said: America is not a timezone American is not a language. Your title is not in correct format. Fix your grammar. Your name. Change it plz. Make the why should you be a mod section better. By adding more detail not by just saying you've been a mod on your friends server which probably had no people on it. Mineverse is a big server and we need trustworthy mods. 3 days is not enough on this server, be more active in-game and on forums. You have 2 mod apps open. WHAT? AMERICAN IS NOT A LANGUAGE???! Kicked whilst joining America: You can no longer speak American.
If you want to make people laugh, off-topic is where you should go. Troll or joke apps are unappreciated here as they get mixed up with the other applications who are actually trying. Like I said, off-topic is the place to pull this kind of stuff, not here. This should be closed in all seriousness, not to mention how off-topic this thread has become. @bananaman11223 @ZeldaNinja
Guys, he's trying his hardest. He may not be good at spelling, he may not be good at typing and such, but he is trying his hardest. Let this poor child follow his dreams. Good luck, I salute you, Fatshit.