A/N: Hello Mineverse! This is actually my second mod application as on my old one, I had countless comments about updating the template (of which I have done). So, thank you for coming to view my application and to hopefully provide me with helpful feedback INTRO: So, Hello. My name is Greer and you may otherwise know me as some of my previous IGNs which I have listed below. I love playing Mineverse with my friends and it's a fabulous way to meet new players and make new friends. If I become moderator, I hope to continue making awesome new friends ;) IN-GAME NAME: PeasantFood Some past names have been: xxgween_peaxx GreerIsNub Greerlouisa Greer_ VintageHolyWater NameOnFleek NewtiesBooty AGE: 14 years old TIME-ZONE: Australian Eastern Time Currently there are very few Australian/New Zealand moderators. This is not good, as we need moderators all around the clock to watch for hackers and rule breakers. COUNTRY OF INHABITANCE: Australia LANGUAGES: I am fluent in English and semi-fluent in Japanese. I am also learning how to speak Swedish ACTIVITY (SERVER): Monday- 2-3 hours Tuesday- 2-4 hours Wednesday-2-3 hours Thursday-2-3 hours Friday- 4-6 hours Saturday- majority Sunday- majority I have been playing Mineverse since April of 2014 ACTIVITY(FORUMS): I understand I have recently not been highly active on the forums, but I am intending to improve this. I should be active most of the day BANS: I have not been banned in the past EXPERIENCE: I do have experience in being a staff member. I am a MANAGER on a small populated server and have a thorough knowledge of commands such as /kick /mute /tempban /ban SERVERS TO MODERATE: The servers I wish to moderate are Creative and infection for the following reasons The two servers are the ones I most enjoy and are currently the most active on. Creative-Although being a great and handy space for all players to build freely, it is also a feeding ground for spammers and people using profanity. As creative is not as restricted in the manner of the use of inappropriate language, players usually take this to their advantage, telling others what they think of certain things. Talk of sex is common and this is just not acceptable as Mineverse and many other servers for that matter have some younger community members. Infection-In infection, there is no time-between-typing limit, which also makes it really easy for spammers to use this to their own advantage. In my time in Mineverse, Infection has grown with players but it has also grown with hackers. This is unfair for other players and hackers' selfish actions must come to an end. MATURITY: I have been told many times that I am very mature for my age. Sure, I make a few jokes here and there but that it part of my nature. In no way would I put down someone else for my own amusement. As a mod, it is important to remember that the rules of Mineverse are the same to everyone, no matter if a player is your friend, sibling, relative or a higher rank than you. I will use my commands wisely and give the suitable punishments to everyone. RELIABILITY: As a moderator, or any person for that matter, it is vital to be there for other players when they are feeling confused or helpless. I want players to know that they can rely on me to help them and that they know I will not turn my back on them. HELPFUL: I like to think that I am helpful, whether it's just helping a friend, parent or some random community member. As a mod, it's safe to say that you'd have to be helpful and willing to give up your time for the satisfaction of others. I'm aware as mods that they do get a lot of questions about rules. As I have a clear understanding of the server's rules and each minigame's individual rules, this is a good chance for me to step in and lend a hand. PATIENCE: I am a patient person. As already discussed above, mods get a lot of questions. Patience is definitely the key to a successful mod. In the chat, there are moments where you may have to put an argument to rest. Patience assists in these kind of situations. SUPPORT AND TRUST: I am a very trustworthy and supportive person. I never lie to people. My friends can rely on me to keep secrets and to never talk about them behind their backs. If I have done something wrong, I am aware of my mistakes and will admit when I am wrong. I enjoy supporting people, whether it be on creative, that they can build that statue they wanted to or on infection, that they can get the last kill. This, not only makes you feel good about yourself, but makes others feel good too. CONCLUSION: I would like to thank everyone for viewing my mod application. You are very welcome to give feedback. It would be an amazing honour to moderate Mineverse, keep everyone happy, keep chat PG and eliminate hackers for the benefits of everyone. Edited: 7th January 2016
I wouldn't tag people on a moderator application if I were you. Although, you're nice in-game and active, but I'm sticking with neutral. Good luck
Neutral, you seem nice however your application could do a bit more work on it. It doesn't have a lot of information on why you want to become mod, space out your sentences a bit more, and maybe center your texts? Just a tip. I might reconsider supporting. <3