Hello Community, This is just a Q&A about the new spawn. {"I'm lagging. Why does the spawn have so much blocks?"} If you are finding that you can't handle the new spawn, change your render distance in settings. If you are still having issues, upgrade your computer. I'm more welcome to help you with computer specs, due to me working for an I.T company & I have background knowledge on computers. I'm also starting my networking Cert 3. {"The path looks messing and not neat."} With the blocks, cyp, Rythen & i agreed on having a space themed. If we were to change blocks, it wouldn't be like a space themed spawn. We want terrain to flow with the build. Trying to have that feel that you were on the moon. {"Why not have spawn bigger?"} For those people who are asking it to be bigger, will cause more lag and that isn't what we want. {"Dragon?. Will Dragon be in it?"} With the dragon, I'm gonna try and get Cyp & noob to have the dragon back. I'm sure most of you people, missing the dragon. I'm 100% with you guys with the dragon. {"Why isn't tigr part of the build?"} Well, I wanna keep it personal to myself & Rythen. If i were to have him in it, i wouldn't be allowed. @Tigr {"The scheme sucks. It's hard to navigate?"} First thing is with portals. I'm finding 95% or less are using compass for quick navigation. For those who use portals, you'll have to run around. Rythen & I will think of something smart for people to easily find with signs or something that will help. /server {name} or /{Server name} or Right click on compass. Thanks on the half of the server that posted positive feed back. Have a great day all ;). Credit: @Rythen @Nimjam @Dewster
As I said before the new spawn makes the server look good and has a good first impression on new players. We tried to keep the spawn small and detailed and wouldn't want to expand it to cause more lagg and confusion. Once everything gets settled in it will be allot smoother and less laggy I promise.
The new spawn is amazing, I don't see why people are complaining about it. Also, to those people who think the path is bad, you have to have a builders mind to understand the concept behind it ;).