Looks like a very impressive application. You seem like a nice person and you are quite active. You tend to argue a fair bit though so I am going to stay neutral on this. TIP: Also try to fix up and spelling mistakes OVERALL RATING: Neutral
No support things like that is not mod-worthy. holy... here comes.. immature not active gets into arguments aggressively it clearly said DONT MENTION RANKS you only become different when you application is up, you aren't even mature right now you're very hated correspondent towards your 300+ dislikes. you have more negatives than positives everything on the app is fake LOL you're not 14, LOL you said you were 11 and claimed you were 11 mineverse hasn't even been up for 3 years
No support, sorry. Your spelling/grammar & punctuation isn't correct. I do not think you're fit for moderator. Plus, if they are trying to give opinions what you should improve on, then I recommend not to give them a dislike/disagree rating or to start arguing.
it is not laughing matter. I am 14, Your just getting mad because I killed you in-game on KitPvP. Thank you for your reply.
Thank you for your response, Regarding your statement I don't start the argument I say what I should work on and they make it out of hand.
Really? You admitted to being in year 6 (Grade 5 for americans) and you never killed me LOL and that shows immaturity, thank you for proving my point correct
go ahead daniel, disagreeing and disliking posts on your own application. You're making a fool out of yourself.
No support. You have shown how immature you are on your own app :L and I've never seen you on Infection before.
See, you disagreed my post, you're just proving my point, LOL You saying you have my address and know what school i go to? 1. not even the school i go to LOL http://gyazo.com/1d5b8e0b01f32ed78ea1a82df591dfc5