Hello, I am writing this as there have been a few problems occurring within the Parkour server after the new levels had been added. Problem 1 Basically, I believe that the permissions for being ranked Completed are broken. Warping is disabled. This error has happened with other ranks also, so it should be an easy fix. Also, being ranked Completed, you can only access course 1. Problem 2 People who are ranked level 23 are unable to access level 13. Addition 1 Many people I have seen are wondering why we cannot /msg. I'm just wondering if it'd be able to be enabled within Parkour? Addition 2 *NEW* This is a possible suggestion, brought up by Musezeta. While the new levels were being added, Cyp was doing the ranks. While doing the Completed one, he made it blue, instead of the rainbow. We would just like to suggest maybe to make it blue? So it would stand out more, and since rainbow is kinda boring now since it's been like that for around a year. Example: [Completed], or something similar to that.
Wouldn't hurt to make sure it's impossible to reach the void from the levels, but I think the change you made yesterday is enough
We came to a conclusion that it was the void which was glitching people's ranks. I'll be on later today to find out and see if anyone glitched again. If they do, or do not, I'll either notify yourself, or remove it from the problems.
I will keep this thread open and continue to edit bits in until Parkour is at a satisfactory level. @Musezeta Thoughts on the last point I made? "Change 1"?
Ladder parkour makes a huge part of Parkour as there are many, many different types of jumps that are possible.
I don't think it needs to be changed. Yes I was fortunate enough to do level 13 in 10 minutes, but others have done it too. rusty_gamer99 pretty much spent 2 long nights on the course before beating it and he was happy that he finally did it after watching many people cheat to pass it before him. The same story will happen with every other level if someone finds it too hard and I definitely expect people to complain about 16 as well. It's supposed to be hard. I stated in the thread the levels are really difficult and people still supported. When putting them into parkour with Cyp he asked me a few times if they were possible. I showed him they were and stated directly to him that they were going to be difficult. Not everything is going to be handed to you in a basket with a gold bow and a card that says "You tried, but we'll give you a free pass anyway". People can try harder. EDIT: Parkour is also one of the only servers where paying to win does not apply. Everyone is going in on an equal playing field in terms of perks, bonuses, whatever, because there are none. If Mineverse wasn't p2w, do you know how many non-donors would dominate /baltops and economies and prestige ranks? It would be nice to have one gamemode where a challenge is always present no matter what rank you are.