I support 101%! You're a very kind person and you're never mean/rude to anyone! You are the type of player that would know how to be a Moderator and judging by your application, it looks like you are ready for the job and you know what to do and what not to do. You also help other players in the server especially those players that have been scammed from those pesky greedy scammers. You have been doing a lot of giveaways and you're being generous to players in return for no cost, just for a number and a short format. Thank you for being such an awesome, kind, helpful, generous, cool, and epic person to us, you truly are a wonderful person.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much grammar mistakes and you have to make the writing "formal" and not basic writing. http://prntscr.com/7m1a66 http://prntscr.com/7m1bdh http://prntscr.com/7m1cq9
✦Fixed some grammar mistakes by request @Nightfire✦ I said ''some'' not all so there is no reason to disagree my post for it, but thanks for your advice, I'm working on my English grammar because I'm from the Netherlands.
Neutral I don't really know you. I have never seen you in-game. Try to be more active on the forums. The color in "why should you become a mod?" Hurts my eyes a little bit, if you could change that, that would be great. Anyway, Good Luck! :D
Thanks for your advice, I've changed the colors. I'm very active in KitPvP I'm everyday on it, my old in game name was MrTimmy, now it's KingSizeXL. U haven't seen me maybe because I'm now more active on the dutch timezone because of my dutch friends. I'm on my way to Active Member :D
if you are still nice in game i will support you i know you from long time ago im h20delirouss nice giveaways im gonna join it and nice application