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  • OCE [AUS] ✮ Moderator Application- RebornWolf ✮ [Accepted]

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by sircorgi, Jul 9, 2015.

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    1. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Hey guys! You might know me as RebornWolf, or Reborn, Wolf, or even Wolfie. I have decided to apply for Moderator on this server as I feel I am now ready for the job, after thinking for a long time. I love Mineverse, and it's the only server I play, and played on for the longest. When my friend introduced me to the server, I thought it was going to be one of those normal and boring servers, but it is quite the opposite! It has a nice community that welcomed me and I made friends, and became a regular player of this amazing server. Please read everything, and if you do not support or if you're neutral, please tell me why, so I can work on that area and maybe change your mind. Now, let's get started!

      Username- RebornWolf and my last name was AjayRocky123
      Age- 11, and proud to be so! :p
      Time zone- Australian Eastern Time
      Country- Australia
      Languages I Speak- Fluent English

      Why do I think I should be a mod-
      When it was 2013, my friend introduced me to Mineverse. At first the place seemed like a normal boring server, but it was amazing. I love every single server Mineverse has, I love the friendly and awesome people, and I just love the way the server is!! Everyone made me feel welcomed and everyone cared for each other. But, here comes the bad side. First thing I see when I go online is spam. Most of the time I would stop it, and during my time I see swearing, CAPS, fights and inappropriate things. This sets a bad influence to others especially to young people and new people would think of us as rude people. I don't people to feel that way about us, so I want to help make Mineverse a safer and happier place for all to enjoy.

      How long I can be on the server-
      Well, I'm a kid who can't be on everyday as I'm always busy but I can be on 1-3 hours on Saturday and Sunday and about 1-2 hours on Friday and sometimes Thursday. Please do not tell me that I need to be more active, as I'm trying my best to do so.
      Thursday- 1-2 hours on mc
      Friday- 1-3 hours
      Saturday- 2-4 hours
      Sunday- 2-4 hours
      I can be on forums everyday, from 1 hour to 4 hours.

      How long have I been playing on Mineverse- I was introduced to Mineverse by a friend of mine about 1 and a half years ago around June 2013. Thanks nobleteam623!! (His Username)

      Have you ever been banned in the past- Actually, not at all on ANY server!! I have been warned, but that's pretty much it. I've also been muted for spam, but that was a long time ago and I don't do it any more.

      Do you have any experience as a moderator- Yes, on a server that was sadly shut down because the owner couldn't handle it any more. :(

      Extra Facts- My name, well nick name is Rocky and I LOVE DOGS TO THE MAX, I love food especially healthy choices, I'm social, I love Minecraft (Mineverse) and I have a AWESOME twin brother and a ANNOYING big brother!! :D I also love hanging out with friends and sometimes, acting crazy.. I'm in Year 6 and a School Captain, so that could be some experience from there. Oh yeah, I don't have social media besides email, but I am getting Skype this year just to let you know.

      Commands I know to be a good moderator-
      /tempban (player) (time)
      /tempmute (player) (time)
      /ban (player) ([reason] - Appeal at 'mineverse.com - RebornWolf_)
      /mute (player) ([reason] - same as above ^ )

      Thanks all for reading and also, if you don't support, please tell me why in that same comment. And, no flame wars, please. I don't want any fights and drama going on, so don't lose your temper here and remember, LOVE DOGS!! THANKS!!

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    2. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Part 2 - Traits


      I know a lot about creative and how it works seeing I've been on it for 2-ish years. I know quite a lot on world edit and also during my 2 years on Mineverse, I'm the type of person who feels a need to help out where ever they are, and if I had to help a person, I wouldn't lose patience or lose my temper as I'm calm and assertive. I've had to answer a LOT of questions from people new to the server, especially I was one of them.. And I will never, EVER say no or ignore someone in need, EVER!! :happy:
      Why this is very important: The main reasons Moderators were made were so they could help people in need. Mods should help everyone who needs it like newbies or beginners, and they should never be lazy. They took a commitment to helping Mineverse, and I'm ready to take up that commitment.

      I've been a moderator on a server called Monster Gaming and at first it was quite hard but I got a lot better but it sadly shut down. I think from that I would make a great moderator on Mineverse. If I could do it on Monster Gaming, I'm pretty sure I can do it on Mineverse as well. Plus, I know the commands you need to do, (Shown at the bottom at extra facts) and I know how you shouldn't ban someone instantly but give warnings or kick them.
      Why this is important: Experience isn't what all Moderators need, but it's important if you want to be a good Mod. Experience is good so you know what to do and that you won't need extra help in a situation. The more experience you have, the better.

      Ok, so I'm not online Mon-Wed but the rest of the day's I'm on for more than 1 hour. It's just that I have quite a lot of homework to do and extra house work.. (Look in How long i can be on the server.) Plus I'm active when barely any mods are on, as I live at Australia, so then Creative would be a lot better if a moderator like me was on. Plus, I'm also on 2-4 hours everyday on the holidays if I'm not somewhere.
      Why this is important: What's the point of Moderator if you're not even going to be online? Moderators were made to moderate and to make the server a better place, not so they can be on the wall of all mods. To be a good and well known mod, you got to be ACTIVE.

      Seeing i'm a 11 year old, I'm nowhere near immature, in fact, I want to stop the dirty-minded people saying things to people who are younger than me. But I don't take it too far.. In fact one of the reasons I'm applying for Moderator is so I can make sure young players don't learn from older and irresponsible people.
      Why this is important: If you're immature, you are not being a good role model. Moderators should be mature to show others what is expected, and also to be able to handle rude people saying inappropriate things. If you're immature and you're a mod, then when you have to handle a immature person, you won't do the job well as good as a mature one.

      Good Leadership-
      (I saw this in a couple of Mod Apps.) In school, I'm actually school captain so from that, I gained heaps of leadership and i think i could show the same on Mineverse, by being a good role-model and helping others out without getting mad.
      Why this is kinda important: Like I said above, where the mature section is, Moderators need to be good role models. Good role models are basically good leaders. At my school, people look up to me as I show kindness and respect, which is vital for a good mod and leader. Not all mods need to be good leaders, but a great one should.

      As I'm school captain, I have to be kind to others all the time. I used to be a bit mean before that but now, I can control my temper and be willing to take my time to help some newbies the basics. I never swear or just get angry at someone. I'm calm, positive and can be social towards others. I may have to act like Bad Cop in order for right choices to be made.
      Why this is important: Do I really have to explain this? Like, moderators are meant to be role models and people you can approach if you have a question, not people to be feared (Although they should a bit so you don't do wrong) and that will lose their temper and go all harsh on you. Moderators must be kind to others so they can build a good reputation, and so they become approachable.

      Being honest is a big thing that all moderators should have. I can lie a bit sometimes though, but all people lie once and a while in their life but I am trying my very best to tell the truth to everyone I meet.
      Why this is important: People need to be able to trust Moderators, so how can they if Mods always lie? Honesty is a big thing that ALL Mods should not have it at all times, but most of the time. Sure, people lie, but they can still be trusted, but the people who always lie are the people who aren't trusted by others. In some cases, people actually spread word that someone should not be trusted, and so more people don't trust the person. Honesty is a big thing, and something all Moderators should have a lot of.

      Through the 2 years on Mineverse, I've made heaps of friends that helped me out which gave me my knowledge on Creative. I now help everyone and is willing to lend a hand or just talk to make them feel that not everyone is a meanie, and that there will be no one that will bully others. Moderators not only should be helpful, but they should know the community and I think I know quite a darn lot of people.
      Why this is important: Most Moderators are known because they are social. If you were to be a Mod who wasn't known by much people, people won't have that bond with you, and wouldn't know if you were a approachable Mod, or if you were harsh and a big pain. Being social isn't the most important trait of a good Mod, but it is still needed in order to be a great one.

      Another big thing moderators should have. I never get frustrated when someone is keeping on asking so many questions or if they don't get what I'm saying. I am assertive, and I keep my patience even to the most slowest learners there is. I'm very calm and patient and will never lose my temper or rage just because someone doesn't understand something.
      Why this is important: Some people are slow learners, and it can take a long time to understand things like the basics, the kits on some game-modes, and on creative, world edit. This is why Moderators should be patient and kind. I know one time, there was a new person on creative and so I took the liberty of teaching him the basics and also world edit, but along the way he didn't get some things so I just simply told him what to do, but in a simpler way, and he then got the idea. He was very grateful and we became friends. Being patient is in the top 5 most important traits to be a PROPER Moderator, and so it is expected of all good Mods.

      I'm aware that being moderator is a big responsibility, and I think I can take that job as I'm very responsible. I take responsibility to my own actions and I can be trusted to do even the most important tasks. I know that I shouldn't play around with a role that is big, and that I should use my job with care. I will use the powers of moderator properly and use it to good will.
      Why this is important: Think of it, this is obviously something that Moderators should have, as having such an important role is a BIG responsibility, like taking care of a dog. Being responsible is needed, as Mods shouldn't use their powers for the wrong reasons, or play around with it and muck around. I understand this, as I take care of a twin brother who suffers from Autism and so I take care of him knowing what I'm doing is a big responsibility. From this experience, I feel I am ready to take on the job of being a Moderator, and I promise I will use it to good-will.
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      Support Count

      No Support
      Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
    3. Loominati

      Loominati Experienced Member

      Nov 20, 2014
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      There is an edit button for a reason :>
    4. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Uh, I have 2 posts because all together they have more than 1000 characters and couldn't be put it 1 whole post..
    5. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      Support 8/8 m8 it's too gr8 so 8/8.
    6. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      The limit of characters is actually 10'000, so you can still fit some or all of the second part into the first part, but it's your decision.

      Besides that, on your profile it says you are 16 years of age when you mentioned you are 11 years old. Also, be more active. Good luck!
    7. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      He wanted to copy me.
    8. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      In my last mod app I claimed that my brother made the account and at the time my twin brother could go on it.. But my account is now private.. And 10,000? Really? Maybe I forgot.. But I just couldn't join them together. As for being more active, I could try.. Thanks though!

      I did not! I just remembered the fact you had 2 posts while I was making the mod app.. BTW anything I can improve on to hopefully change that neutral to a support?

      Aw, thanks! You're gr8 as well!
      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2016
    9. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      No support.
    10. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      May I ask why?
    11. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      Support!!! :)
    12. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Thanks bud! :)
    13. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Nice Application. Just be more active.

      Good luck!
    14. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Thanks! So you're going towards neutral? I'm just assuming as you said 1 positive and 1 thing I need to work on. :p
    15. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      Don't double post.
    16. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Fixed, sorry! :(
    17. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Yes I am neutral at the moment.
    18. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Okie dokie I'm going to make a support count that's why I asked.
    19. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No problem.

      Good luck
    20. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Anything I can work on?
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