3rd thread, can't gravedig, been wanting to one of these mainstream hipster threads, and I also want to be involved with the community for sometime. Yea, post one if you would like one (of course.) I'm quite an honest person.
you're cool, great mod talk to me more although we don't talk, you can be a nice guy, while I understand that you could be a douche at times (I am at times, so you're not alone) ;p nice person to talk to, very friendly I have enjoyed the time I have gotten the opportunity to have a conversation with you btw your voice is amazing 11/10 " " " " ditto to the sentences of Pink nice person overall, we should talk more if you would like Drago didn't know you well, but your life as a moderator was quite short seeing you on the forums, you seem friendly to anyone and I like that never had the opportunity to have a conversation with you but you seem like a nice person get mud I believe there was a time where I hated you, I absolutely have no idea why Eh, you were immature at times before but I believe you have changed I actually liked you as a person but that changed once you were demoted and created alts and harassed others however that's the past and I believe that should be placed behind you. overall you're one of the few moderators I have respect for, friendly Never had the chance to actually have a conversation with you, even though we were both staff ;____; you seem like a nice person, always generous to others few members I actually like and have respect for you, sir, are amazing, keep it up I actually don't know you that well I have seen you in-game in the past, never had the chance to talk to you but you seem very friendly